The new adapters support the TC3X4 (PG-LQFP-144) and TC3X5 (PG-LQFP-176) series, among others.
All adapters are equipped with a TC3X7 AURIX™ emulation device and can be connected to the intended footprint on the target board.
Like all variants of the Hitex break-out and trace adapters, the new adapters support the Aurora Gigabit trace interface and the second DAP interface.
Break-out adapters are an extended form of trace adapters and also provide access to IO pins. Break-out and trace adapters are inserted into the target design and provide detailed trace information. The adapter is soldered directly to the target hardware instead of the target processor. It is not necessary to change the design. By using directly in the original design, considerable time can be saved during development and testing.