RTOS software: managing real-time requirements the right way

Real-time Operating System

Real-time operating systems, (short: RTOS) are an essential part of many embedded applications. A RTOS makes sure that even under worst conditions exact response times are assured and that time critical tasks are not delayed. The RTOS also takes care of an efficient and secure memory management and the error handling. Hitex offers professional real-time operating systems for all kinds of embedded applications and helps you to choose and implement the best solution.

Task switching in PXROS


PXROS - Safety approved and certified real-time OS for TriCore™ and AURIX™

PXROS details
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Keil RTX Card

Keil RTX

Keil RTX is a royalty-free, deterministic, full-featured real-time operating system for Cortex-M processor-based devices. Features include periodical activation of timer functions, memory management, and message exchange between threads.

Keil RTX details
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FuSa RTS RTOS details


FuSa RTS RTOS is the right choice for Corex-M based embedded applications, where regulatory certification is required. It is qualified for use in automotive, industrial, railroad and medical applications.

More details on FuSa RTS RTOS
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SAFERTOS structure


SAFERTOS® is a pre-certified safety Real Time Operating System (RTOS) for embedded processors. It delivers superior performance and pre-certified dependability, whilst utilizing minimal resources.

SAFRTOS product description
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RTOS for Middleware for Cortex-M

Format: online training
Date: 2 days, from 9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Language of instruction: German (presentation slides in English)
Costs: 650.00 EUR (early bird discount 100 EUR)
