Hitex provides MCAL (Microcontroller Abstraction Layer) drivers for full-fledged AUTOSAR projects as well as industrial projects with special requirements. In both cases the key benefit is saving time and effort and making use of approved and tested technology for safe operation. The drivers were partly developed and quality tested by Hitex. For your own project you can benefit from Hitex experience as AURIX and TRAVEO Design House.
Hitex provides MC-ISAR (Micro Controller – Infineon Software ARchitecture ) low-level drivers for the AUTOSAR MCAL layer.
Hitex Complex Drivers are speed-optimized, industrial drivers supplied with Software Requirements Specifications, Detailed Design Specifications and Test Plans.
TRAVEO II supports all relevant versions of AUTOSAR MCAL, including optional modules such as Core Test, Flash Test, RAM Test, Flash EEPROM Emulation and Security Low-Level Driver.
As an extension to the TRAVEO II MCAL software packages, an flash EEPROM Emulation Module is available.
TRAVEO II Graphics Drivers offer interfaces for the graphics application, providing a range of features. Safety and warping features enable a wide variety of applications.
Complete software packages for Infineon's PSoC 4 HV devices. ISO 26262 compliant software for applications with safety target up to ASIL B.