µVision IDE
The µVision® IDE combines project management, run-time environment, build facilities, source code editing, and program debugging in a single powerful environment. µVision is easy-to-use and accelerates your embedded software development with a very short leraning phase. µVision allows you to create individual window layouts anywhere on the visual surface and supports multiple screens.
The µVision Debugger provides a single environment in which you may test, verify, and optimize your application code. The debugger includes traditional features like simple and complex breakpoints, watch windows, and execution control and provides full visibility to device peripherals.
µVision Project Manager and Run-Time Environment
With the µVision Project Manager and Run-Time Environment you create software application using pre-build software components and device support from Software Packs. The software components contain libraries, source modules, configuration files, source code templates, and documentation. Software components can be generic to support a wide range of devices and applications.
- The Project window shows application source files and selected software components. Below the components you will find corresponding library and configuration files.
- Projects support multiple targets. They ease configuration management and may be used to generate debug and release builds or adoptions for different hardware platforms.
- The Manage Run-Time Environment window shows all software components that are compatible with the selected device. Inter-dependencies of software components are clearly identified with validation messages.
- The Configuration Wizard is an integrated editor utility for generating GUI-like configuration controls in assembler, C/C++, or initialization files.
Increase Productivity using MDK
- The Functions window gives fast access to the functions in each C/C++ source code module.
- The Code Completion list and Function Parameter information helps you to keep track of symbols, functions, and parameters.
- Dynamic Syntax Checking validates the program syntax while you are typing and provides real-time alerts to potential code violations before compilation.
Keil MDK Source Code Editor - Code Completion
Advanced Editor Features
The µVision editor contains many features that enhance your productivity. Intuitive keyword hints and real-time syntax verification let you focus on your application code. Code Completion helps you to find program symbols even when you vaguely remember them. All matching definitions are shown in the Code Completion List. Identify potential syntax violations while typing your code. Clearly see arguments in the Function Parameter List which helps you while coding function calls.