Embedded development tools are the fundament of all microcontroller development. With the right toolset, the developer can work efficiently and stay on schedule. The ever-increasing demands of embedded projects, combined with ever-shorter time-to-market, make the right toolset a critical success factor. To provide the best development environment for your project, Hitex works closely with leading development tool vendors.
Arm development solutions are designed to accelerate product development from SoC architecture to software application development. From the smallest Cortex-M series microcontroller sensor to supercomputers, Arm development tools and design services help engineers worldwide develop market-leading products.
Thanks to its special feature set, AURIX™ is the perfect match for demanding control applications. To help software developers take full advantage of the AURIX features, Hitex provides a variety of software development tools for AURIX and helps you make the best choice.
The Universal Debug Engine (UDE) is a state-of-the-art development workbench for application development. Its functionality can be extended with an UAD - Universal Access Device - which is available in 3 versions. It supports you to build applications and you can run and test your software in a convenient and cost-efficient way.
HighTec offers certified development platforms for C/C++ as well as Rust development for a variety of microcontrollers.
We provide a variety of programming solutions for embedded applications. Our development tools include a high-performance feature for on-chip flash programming, while the service and maintenance tools offer a simple and user-friendly way to update or modify flash contents in the field.