From the early 1980s Hitex has provided the embedded developers with sophisticated development tools. Although over the time the microprocessor technology has steadily advanced and new technologies were implemented, many of these systems are still in the field and used for the maintenance and modifications of embedded systems.
Well-known products in the past were:
- teletest16, teletest51, teletest8, teletest32 in-circuit emulators
- AX/MX51, AX6811, MX6808, AX/MXST7, AX186 in-circuit emulators
- DProbe167, DProbeST10, DProbeXC in-circuit emulators
- DProbeHS, DProbe430, DProbe251, DProbeHCS12, DProbe386EX in-circuit emulators
- Powerscale for optimization of code to reduce power consumption
- Speedflash programmer series
- The flexible Tanto and Tantino series for a large variety of microcontroller architectures
- Keil development tools for 8051, 251 as well as XC16x, C16x, and ST10 (These tools and support are still available!)
- PRO-SIL™ SafeTcore & SafeTlib - driver library for the Infineon AURIX, TriCore and XC2000 families
- SHE+ - Secure Hardware Extension
Please contact us, if you have any questions about these legacy products.