This three-course program offers developers a structured knowledge journey that takes them from basic architecture and tool knowledge to advanced concepts in real-time operating systems and security architectures.
This training covers the fundamentals of Cortex M0/M3/M4/M7, ARMv7, ARMv8.0, and the new M23 and M33 architectures, providing both theoretical knowledge and practical application. The focus is on using Keil MDK ARM effectively in your everyday development tasks.
Introduction to the lightweight RTX v5 Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) on a Cortex-M microcontroller. Throughout the training we will use the CMSIS-RTOS 2 API, the standard software interface for RTOS on Cortex-M.
Learn to develop secure embedded systems. Throughout the training, we will use MDK ARM (µVision), CMSIS libraries for TrustZone, CMSIS-RTOS 2 API, and the NXP Low-Level libraries designed for the LPC55S series.
This three-course program provides developers with a comprehensive education that not only teaches theory, but also reinforces what they have learned with a strong hands-on component. It is ideal for developers who want to take their embedded development skills to the next level and prepare for the challenges of today's technologies (e.g. requirements of the Cyber Resilience Act).
Target group: Developers who want to improve their skills with Arm Keil MDK and Cortex-M.
Content: If you don't want to fight with the tools this is your training. You will learn the basics of the Arm Cortex-M microcontroller and practical development with Arm Keil MDK.
Benefits: Theoretical knowledge and practical skills for effective use of the Keil MDK and development with Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers.
More information and registration: » To the Arm Keil MDK for Cortex-M training
Target group: Developers who want to advance their knowledge in sophisticated real-time applications.
Content: Introduction to the Real-Time Operating System RTX v5 and its implementation on Cortex-M microcontrollers.
Benefits: Theory behind embedded RTOS design and the practical skills to specify, implement and integrate embedded real-time systems
More information and registration: » To the RTOS Fundamentals and Implementation training
Target group: Developers who want to advance their knowledge in secure embedded systems.
Content: Concept and practical use of the ARM TrustZone in conjunction with Cortex-M33 microcontrollers.
Benefits: Understanding and skills to implement data security in embedded systems to increase reliability and meet future cybersecurity requirements.
More information and registration: » To the Security with ARMv8 and TrustZone training
You're welcome to pick and choose the training course that interests you the most, as long as you have the necessary background. We've designed them to be super hands-on, with a deep dive into the system to reinforce what you've learned.The idea is that they're all about ongoing learning and getting you fully ready to tackle the exciting challenges of modern embedded system development.If you have any questions about the individual training courses, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help!